Same-day Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Pair Generation on GEE
Page content
This notebook presents a data preparation workflow that finds same-date and overlapped Landsat8 and Sentinel2 image patches and provide a way to download the processed images to the local machine.
This is a part of the ongoing research project Landsat2Sentinel.
The whole notebook is available on my Github repository.
import ee
from IPython import display
import zipfile
import urllib
from ipywidgets import IntProgress
Function for downloading images from GEE
def download_tif(image, scale, name, folder):
url ={
'image': image.serialize(),
'scale': '%d' % scale,
'filePerBand': 'false',
'name': name,
local_zip, header = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url)
with zipfile.ZipFile(local_zip) as local_zipfile:
return local_zipfile.extract(name + '.tif', folder)
Functions used in the process
def mapAddDates(img):
The function used to map over Sentinel2 images to add a date attribute,
and rename the NIR band from 'B8' to 'B5' to match the naming convention of Landsat
date_time = ee.Date(img.get('GENERATION_TIME'))
return img.set('DATE', date_time.format('yyyy-MM-dd')).rename(['B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5'])
def getSameDateWithGeom(l8, sent, geom):
Find pairs of Landsat8 and Sentinel2 images that are acquired in the same day
and their footprints intersect with the input geometry
l8pool = l8.filterBounds(geom).sort('DATE_ACQUIRED') \
.filterMetadata('CLOUD_COVER', 'less_than', 10) \ # cloud cover limit set to 10%
.select('B[2-5]') # only use R,G,B,NIR bands
sentpool = sent.filterBounds(geom).sort('GENERATION_TIME') \
.filterMetadata('CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE', 'less_than', 10) \
.filterMetadata('PROCESSING_BASELINE', 'not_ends_with', '2') \
.select('B[2-4|8]') \
eqfilter = ee.Filter.equals(leftField='DATE_ACQUIRED', rightField='DATE')
innerjoin = ee.Join.inner()
matches = innerjoin.apply(l8pool, sentpool, eqfilter)
return matches
def getRandomPoints(bound, num):
Generate random points from the input boundary (for simplity, we used convex hull of the input boundary)
points = ee.FeatureCollection.randomPoints(bound.geometry().convexHull(), num)
return points
Main Process
##### Import imagery and boundary #####
l8toa = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_TOA')
sent2 = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2')
boundary = ee.FeatureCollection('users/CSISS_LCLUC/studyarea_V4')
##### Generate square patch around random points #######
points = ee.FeatureCollection.randomPoints(boundary.geometry().convexHull(), 200, seed=10)
def mapGetPatch(pt):
return pt.buffer(128*10).bounds()
patches =
Get the matched image pairs of Landsat8 and Sentinel2
The match_collection
has the following structure (each level to the next level is a one-to-many relationship):
- FeatureCollection (random points)
- FeatureCollection (pairs with different date for the given point)
- Feature
{'primary': landsat8 image, 'secondary': sentinel2 image}
- Feature
- FeatureCollection (pairs with different date for the given point)
# Get the same date image pairs
def mapGetMatches(pts):
def mapClipImageToPatch(f):
l8_cand = ee.Image(f.get('primary'))
sent_cand = ee.Image(f.get('secondary'))
l8_clip = l8_cand.clipToBoundsAndScale(geometry=pts.geometry(), width=256, height=256) # Fixed image size
sent2_clip = sent_cand.clipToBoundsAndScale(geometry=pts.geometry(), width=256, height=256)
# intersection = l8_clip.geometry().intersection(sent2_clip.geometry())
return f.set('primary', l8_clip).set('secondary', sent2_clip)
match = getSameDateWithGeom(l8toa, sent2, pts.geometry())
match_clip =
return match_clip
match_collection =
####### Remove matches that no image pairs are found ######
match_list = match_collection.toList(match_collection.size())
def mapDropNull(f):
f = ee.FeatureCollection(f)
return ee.Algorithms.If(f.size().eq(0), None, f)
pairs_list =
pairs_list = pairs_list.removeAll(ee.List([None]))
Download Images
num_pairs = pairs_list.length().getInfo()
bar = IntProgress(min=0, max=num_pairs)
for i in range(155, num_pairs):
pairs = ee.FeatureCollection(pairs_list.get(i))
num_pair = pairs.size().getInfo()
pair_list = pairs.toList(num_pair)
for j in range(num_pair):
pair = ee.Feature(pair_list.get(j))
primary = ee.Image(pair.get('primary'))
secondary = ee.Image(pair.get('secondary')).divide(10000) # Scale down the Sentinel2 pixel values to [0,1]
download_tif(primary, 10, 'l', 'data/'+str(i)+'_'+str(j)+'/')
download_tif(secondary, 10, 's', 'data/'+str(i)+'_'+str(j)+'/')
bar.value = i